Giorgos K. Sakkas
- University of Thessaly
- Center for Research and Technology-Thessaly
- Centre for Research and Technology - Thessaly
- Center for Research and Technology - Hellas
- University of California at San Francisco
- Plymouth Marjon University
- University Hospital of Larissa
- Center of Research and Technology Thessaly
- Center for Research and Technology Thessaly
- Centre for Research and Technology
- Plymouth Marjon University
- Cardiff Metropolitan University
External person
Christina Karatzaferi
- Center for Research and Technology-Thessaly
- University of Thessaly
- Centre for Research and Technology - Thessaly
- Center for Research and Technology - Hellas
- Plymouth Marjon University
- General Hospital of Kimi
- Center for Research and Technology Thessaly
- Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
- Centre for Research and Technology
- Plymouth Marjon University
External person
Ioannis Stefanidis
- University of Thessaly
- Center for Research and Technology-Thessaly
- Centre for Research and Technology - Thessaly
- University Hospital of Larissa
- Center for Research and Technology - Hellas
- Center for Research and Technology Thessaly
- Centre for Research and Technology
External person
Georgios M. Hadjigeorgiou
- University of Thessaly
- Centre for Research and Technology - Thessaly
- University Hospital of Larissa
- Center for Research and Technology - Hellas
- Center for Research and Technology Thessaly
- University of Thessaly
- Centre for Research and Technology
- Cyprus Institute for Neurology and Genetics
- University of Cyprus
External person
Eleftherios Lavdas
- Technological Educational Institution of Athens
- University of Thessaly
- University of West Attica
External person
Angelos Vlahoyiannis
- University of Nicosia
- Research Centre for Exercise and Nutrition (RECEN)
External person
Vassilios Liakopoulos
- University of Thessaly
- Centre for Research and Technology - Thessaly
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
External person
Yiannis Koutedakis
- University of Thessaly
- Centre for Research and Technology - Thessaly
- Center for Research and Technology - Hellas
- Center for Research and Technology Thessaly
- Department of Physical Education and Sport Science
- Centre for Research and Technology
External person
Stefania S. Grigoriou
- University of Thessaly
- Center for Research and Technology - Hellas
External person
Mauro Manconi
- University of Bern
- Civic Hospital (EOC) of Lugano
- Ente Ospedaliero Cantonale
External person
Panagiotis Aristotelous
External person
Stelios Hadjisavvas
External person
Georgios Posnakidis
External person
M. Pantziaris
- Cyprus Institute for Neurology and Genetics
- Neurological Department
- Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
- School of Health Sciences
- Ayios Therissos Medical Diagnostic Centre
- Department of Neurology
- Department of Computer Science
- Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
- Cyprus School of Molecular Medicine
External person
Vassilis Mougios
- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Department of Physical Education and Sports Science
External person
Efthimios Dardiotis
- Cyprus Institute for Neurology and Genetics
- Centre for Research and Technology - Thessaly
- University of Thessaly
- University Hospital of Larissa
- University of Thessaly
External person
Yiannakis Ioannou
External person
M. Pantzaris
- Cyprus Institute for Neurology and Genetics
- Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
- Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
External person
Clara S. Rosa
- Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho
- Ministério da Educação
External person
P. C. Calder
- Southampton General Hospital
- University of Southampton
- University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
- European University Cyprus
- NIHR Southampton Biomedical Research Centre
External person
C. Pattichis
- Cyprus Institute for Neurology and Genetics
- University of Cyprus
- Department of Computer Science, Intercollege
- School of Health Sciences
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Science
- Department of Computational Intelligence
- Department of Computer Science
- Departement of Computer Science
External person
Leila Ataei
External person
Christiana Evangelou
External person
Stefanidis Ioannis
External person
Nikolaos Scarmeas
- Neurology Department
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
- Columbia University
External person
Christos Savva
- European University
- University of Thessaly
- European University Cyprus
- Frederick University
External person
Evridiki Georgaki
- MAZI-Eating Disorder and Obesity Foundation in Cyprus
- University College London
External person
Akis Lazarou
External person
Mary Yannakoulia
- Harokopio University
- Department of Nutrition Science - Dietetics
- Department of Nutrition
External person
Evaggelia Tsaknaki
External person
Ifigeneia Komodromou
External person
Stefani Kile
External person
C. Christoforou
External person
Eleni Leonidou
- Neurology Clinic e
- Cyprus Institute for Neurology and Genetics
- Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics
External person
Panikos Sakkis
External person
Hadjigeorgiou Georgios
External person
R Constantinou
External person
Marios Koudellis
External person
Jeremy Lewis
- Central London Community Healthcare NHS Trust
- University of Nottingham
- University of Limerick
External person
Daniel Ala Eddin
External person
Loukas Damianou
External person
Giorgos Sakkas
External person
Zoi Roupa
External person
Efthimios Atmatzidis
External person
Paula Pinto
- NOVA University Lisbon
- Biotechnology and Nutrition
- Polytechnic Institute of Santarem
- IPSantarém/IPLeiria
- Environment and Society (CERNAS)
- Life Quality Research Centre (CIEQV)
External person
Aristos Michael
External person
Julie Dumont
- U1167-RID-AGE-Facteurs de Risque et Déterminants Moléculaires des Maladies Liées au Vieillissement
External person
Michael Hadjigavriel
External person