CSR Matrix

    Project: Research

    Project Details


    CSR-MATRIX was a Leonardo da Vinci – Transfer of Innovation project, co-funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. The projects’ main objective was to take a CSR Methodology developed in a previous project, adapt it to the partner countries through organizing Training courses and translating a CSR Self-Assessment Tool. Through the projects’ activities, it was possible to:
    [1] Encourage employers and employees to generate a more flexible working environments, based on a new CSR-based culture;
    [2] Bring an innovative CSR methodology into new countries;
    [3] Provide further training for consultants and trainers, to allow for replication of the CSR methodology, in a sustainable way, beyond the lifetime of the project;
    [4] Seek recognition for the training modules by EQF and ECVET systems;
    Effective start/end date1/10/1130/09/13


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