Dialogue & Argumentation for Cultural Literacy Learning in Schools

Project: Research

Project Details


DIALLS is a three-year project working with schools to understand and develop how children and young people make sense of Europe and its differing cultures. Cultural diversity is one of Europe’s most valuable assets but we need to support young people to build the skills and competences needed for effective inter-cultural dialogue and mutual understanding about each other’s lives.

In our project, schools in seven countries work with researchers and teacher educators to develop a Cultural Literacy Learning Programme (CLLP), where young people of all ages learn the skills of ‘dialogue and argumentation‘ to be better able to communicate with each other, understanding each other’s perspectives and exploring the different cultural heritages and values of people who live in Europe. Dialogue that is characterised by collaboration encourages young people to think together as they express their opinions whilst listening to, and respecting, the opinions of others. Picturebooks and short films that have been produced in Europe are used as Cultural Texts to stimulate classrooms discussions, and children and young people from different countries will share their ideas using a special online platform.
Effective start/end date1/05/1830/04/21


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