– International Research Consortium and Platform for Monitoring Overall and Cause-Specific Mortality Resulting from the COVID-19 Pandemic

Project: Research

Project Details


The C-MOR project (https://www.unic.ac.cy/coronavirus/mortality/) is coordinated by the University of Nicosia Medical School and is an international consortium of 58 institutions which aims to create a reference dataset focused on mortality resulting from COVID-19. The project investigates all-cause, cause-specific, as well as COVID-19 specific mortality, during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Key findings

Some key findings:
Some countries showed excess all-cause mortality in 2020, whereas others displayed either negligible excess mortality or even a decrease in all-cause mortality. Excess mortality may be partly attributed to delayed application of strict control measures
Males were more affected in terms of excess mortality
Some countries observed significant excess all-cause mortality in the age-groups preceeding the oldest age groups for which data was available (65+ or 70+ years)
COVID-19 was found to be a cause of premature mortality in all the countries investigated. Nevertheless, there was great variability in the potential years of life lost (PYLL) estimates between countries.

Abstracts and publications:
1. Achilleos S, Quattrocchi A, Gabel J, et al. Excess all-cause mortality and COVID-19-related mortality: a temporal analysis in 22 countries, from January until August 2020. International Journal of Epidemiology [Internet]. 2021 Jul 20 [cited 2021 Nov 22];(dyab123). Available from: https://doi.org/10.1093/ije/dyab123
2. Maider P.A., Achilleos, S., Quattrocchi, A., Gabel, A., Kolokotroni, O., Constantinou C., … and Demetriou, C. Premature mortality attributable to COVID-19: Potential life years lost due to COVID-19 in 17 countries during the pandemic period, up to August 2020. Αbstract accepted as Oral Presentation for the 14 EPH Conference (November 2021). Full manuscript submitted for publication
3. CA Demetriou, S Achilleos, A Quattrocchi, J Gabel, A Heraclides, O Kolokotroni, C Constantinou, M Pagola Ugarte, N Nicolaou, JM Rodriguez-Llanes, Excess all-cause mortality from January to August 2020: a temporal analysis in 20 countries. ORAL PRESENTATION. European Journal of Public Health, Volume 31, Issue Supplement_3, October 2021, ckab164.553, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab164.553
4. S Achilleos, M Pagola Ugarte, A Quattrocchi, J Gabel, O Kolokotroni, C Constantinou, N Nicolaou, JM Rodriguez-Llanes, CA Demetriou, Potential life years lost to COVID-19 in 17 countries during the pandemic period, up to August 2020. ORAL PRESENTATION. European Journal of Public Health, Volume 31, Issue Supplement_3, October 2021, ckab164.550, https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckab164.550
Effective start/end date1/06/20 → …


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