A Comparison between Fibreoptic and Catheter‐Tip Bridge Strain Gauge Transducers for Measurement of Intrauterine Pressure in Labour

K. F. Tham, S. Arulkumaran, S. Chua, C. Anandakumar, P. Singh, S. S. Ratnam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A new fibreoptic pressure transducer was used to measure uterine activity in labour, and the results were compared with those obtained with the catheter‐tip bridge strain gauge transducer. Readings were obtained from 8 patients in spontaneous labour, and a total of 565 contractions were analysed. When all contractions were analysed the coefficient of variation ranged from 11.24 to 42.74. In 2 patients with vast difference in pressure readings one of the catheters had slipped into the lower uterine segment, when these 2 cases were not considered the coefficient of variation ranged from 11.24 to 21.18. Even in the others there were transient periods lasting 5 to 15 minutes when the pressure difference was greater than 10 mmHg between the 2 catheters. When they were excluded from analysis, along with the 2 cases where one of the catheters was displaced, the coefficient of variation ranged from 9.30 to 16.05. The fibreoptic pressure transducer appears to be a safe, convenient and fairly accurate means of assessing uterine activity. But one must be aware that a catheter giving low readings compared with the initial period soon after insertion may be due to displacement of the transducer tip to the uterine lower segment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)83-87
Number of pages5
JournalAsia‐Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1991


  • catheter‐tip bridge strain gauge transducer
  • fibreoptic pressure catheter
  • uterine activity


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