A gossip-based optimistic replication for efficient delay-sensitive streaming using an interactive middleware support system

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Emerging Mobile-Peer-to-Peer (MP2P) systems involve client applications that dynamically demand resources directly from the global environment. While sharing resources the efficiency is substantially degraded as a result of the scarceness of availability of the requested resources in a multiclient support manner. These resources are often aggravated by many factors like the temporal constraints for availability or node flooding by the requested replicated file chunks. Thus replicated file chunks should be efficiently disseminated in order to enable resource availability on-demand by the mobile users. This work considers a cross layered middleware support system for efficient delay-sensitive streaming by using each device's connectivity and social interactions in a cross layered manner. The collaborative streaming is achieved through the epidemically replicated file chunk policy which uses a transition-based approach of a chained model of an infectious disease with susceptible, infected, recovered and death states. The Gossip-based stateful model enforces the mobile nodes whether to host a file chunk or not or, when no longer a chunk is needed, to purge it. The proposed model is thoroughly evaluated through experimental simulation taking measures for the effective throughput Eff as a function of the packet loss parameter in contrast with the effectiveness of the replication Gossip-based policy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5458091
Pages (from-to)253-261
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Systems Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2010


  • Cache replication
  • Cooperative systems
  • Dissemination schemes
  • Middleware system mechanisms
  • Wireless MP2P systems


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