A hybrid approach for provisioning sub-wavelength requests in IP-over-WDM networks

A. Hadjiantonis, A. Khalil, G. Ellinas, M. A. Ali, Nasser Abdellatif, Jalil Maghaddasi

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


This paper deals with the provisioning of sub-wavelength requests in IP-over-WDM networks. Traditionally, these requests are either provisioned by setting up a lightpath switched transparently all the way from the source to the destination (Routing and Wavelength Assignment-RWA-provisioning), or by using one or more existing lightpaths with enough residual bandwidth to time-multiplex the new traffic. In this work an interconnection model between the IP and optical layers that allows all control information to be maintained under a single administrative domain (namely, the optical domain) is assumed. This enables hybrid provisioning, which makes use of existing lightpaths and lightpaths to be set up. Three hybrid algorithms are introduced, namely the Shortest Path First-Fit (SPFF), the Shortest-Path Exhaustive Search (SPES) and Network-Wide Exhaustive Search (NetWES), each differing in the way the hybrid paths are sought for. Simulation results indicate that all three perform better than the conventional overlay sequential routing, and NetWES performs better than the rest.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationCanadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering; Technology Driving Innovation, 2004
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 2004
EventCanadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering; Technology Driving Innovation, 2004 - Niagara Falls, Canada
Duration: 2 May 20045 May 2004


OtherCanadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering; Technology Driving Innovation, 2004
CityNiagara Falls


  • Hybrid Provisioning
  • IP/WDM
  • RWA
  • Sub-Wavelength Provisioning
  • Traffic Grooming


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