A Low-molecular-weight heparin (kabi 2165, ‘fragmin’) in repeated use for haemodialysis: Prevention of clotting and prolongation of the venous compression time in comparison with commercial unfractionated heparin

E. Anastassiades, Helen Ireland, Angela Flynn, D. A. Lane, J. R. Curtis

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We have compared a low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH), Kabi 2165, with commercial unfractionated heparin (UFH) in 21 patients undergoing haemodialysis (1 month with each heparin). The UFH dose regimen comprised a UFH-saline prime of the extra-corporeal circuit, an initial bolus of 5000 international units (IU) and an infusion of 1500 IU/h. The LMWH dose regimen comprised a LMWH-saline prime, a bolus of 3000–4000 anti-factor Xa units (aXa U) and an infusion of 750 aXa U/h. Plasma concentrations of the LMWH were slightly less than those of UFH for the first hour of dialysis (0.87 aXa U/ml vs 0.99 IU/ml) but were very similar by the end of the infusion (0.96 vs 1.00) and slightly greater at the end of dialysis, an hour later (0.85 vs 0.69). All haemodialysis sessions were completed uneventfully, with infrequent wispy clot deposits in the drip chamber. The mean frequency of clot deposition was slightly higher with the LMWH (0.20 vs 0.15). Fibrin generation was almost fully suppressed: plasma concentrations of fibrinopeptide A were slightly greater during dialysis with the LMWH (3.31–3.98 vs 2.29–2.75 pmol/ml) but were almost identical by the end of dialysis (5.62 vs 5.49 pmol/ml). The mean ‘venous’ compression time at the end of dialysis was significantly shorter with the LMWH than with UFH (8.45 min vs 11.12 min). We conclude that the LMWH is effective and safe in repeated use for haemodialysis. It prevents fibrin generation and clot formation to a similar degree as UFH. The shorter venous compression time of the LMWH may reflect a reduced haemorrhagic risk.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)135-140
Number of pages6
JournalNephrology Dialysis Transplantation
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1990


  • Fibrinopeptide A
  • Haemodialysis
  • Haemorrhagic risk
  • LMW heparin


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