A measurement model for collaborative online learning in postgraduate engineering management studies

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    Although the approach of social constructivism is not new (its origins are dated back to the pre-World War II era), it can be used along with novel learning strategies to facilitate quality online learning. The progress of technology, learning platforms and digital resources, together with certain social constructivism techniques, enable engineering practitioners to study in postgraduate management programs that replicate face-to-face environments. In this chapter, the authors introduce certain metrics (objectives, critical successfactors, key performance indicators, and targets) along with a handful of constructivism techniques, namely, 'peer interaction', 'forum activities', 'learning by doing', and 'systematic feedback'. Linking the constructs of social constructivism with quantification enables us to develop a rational model of performance measurement, serving as a navigation instrument for instructors, instructional designers, and learners.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCases on Engineering Management Education in Practice
    PublisherIGI Global
    Number of pages21
    ISBN (Electronic)9781799840640
    ISBN (Print)9781799840633
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Oct 2020


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