A simple Computational Model-Based Validation of Guyton's closed circuit analysis of the heart and the peripheral circulatory system

C. Zervides, D. R. Hose

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


A computer model of the human cardiovascular system has been created based on Guyton's closed circuit analysis of the heart and the peripheral circulatory system. This model was checked against Guyton's experiments performed in anesthetised dogs regarding the normal venous return curve, the effect of Mean Circulatory Filling Pressure (MCFP) and the importance of arterial venous and capillary resistance. These comparisons indicate that this simple model is valid for the study of Guyton's experimental work and also forms the bases of a more complex model of the cardiovascular model with specific attention to the venous system.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2005 27th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE-EMBS 2005
Number of pages4
Volume7 VOLS
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2005
Externally publishedYes
Event2005 27th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE-EMBS 2005 - Shanghai, China
Duration: 1 Sept 20054 Sept 2005


Conference2005 27th Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, IEEE-EMBS 2005


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