Adhesive Skin Closure Technique for Closure of Fasciotomy Wounds in Pediatric Patients: A Case Series

Oren Weissman, Noga Goldman, Demetris Stavrou, Liran Barzilai, Gil Grabov Nardini, Nimrod Farber, Isaac Zilinsky, Eyal Winkler, Josef Haik

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background. Closure of fasciotomy wounds poses a challenge, particularly in pediatric cardiac patients who are too high risk for general anesthesia and often require anticoagulant treatment. The adhesive skin closure technique enables wound closure without the need for a secondary procedure such as surgery requiring anesthesia. Objectives. This study sought to describe a treatment modality that assists in fasciotomy wound edge approximation without the need for surgery, while additionally aiding in achieving fast and aesthetic results in the aforementioned patient population. A case series of 4 pediatric patients with fasciotomy wounds is presented. Materials and Methods. Adhesive skin closure strips (Steri-Strips, 3M, St. Paul, MN) were placed perpendicular to the cleansed wound leaving small gaps for drainage, thus achieving complete propinquity. The strips were replaced sequentially with new strips every 2 to 3 days. Digital pictures of the wounds were obtained until complete closure of the wounds was achieved. Outcome variables included wound closure success rates and complication rates including infection, bleeding, and late scar formation. Results. Patient ages ranged from 2 weeks to 2 years, 9 months (mean: 10.5 months), average period of open wound prior to closure was 6.75 days (range: 5-11 days), treatment duration ranged from 15 to 26 days (mean: 21 days), and average follow-up was 4.5 months. One patient died due to their primary condition. No local infections, wound dehiscence with the treatment regimen, or any other immediate complications were encountered. There was a late complication in 1 patient who presented with a hypertrophic scar. Conclusions. Use of the adhesive skin closure method to close fasciotomy wounds in pediatric patients in which surgical procedures were nonadvisable produced favorable results.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)118-122
Number of pages5
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2015


  • adhesive skin closure strips
  • fasciotomy wounds
  • wound closure


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