An empirical study on gas and petroleum companies operating in erbil governorate of iraq: Ethical climate aspect in energy sector

Zanete Garanti, Abdulkhaleq Nader Qader

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In the light of economic, technological, political and social changes in the energy sector, this study aims to contribute primarily for the comprehension of the effects of organizational citizenship behavior and an ethical climate on the corporate reputation by using the data collected from managers and employees of petroleum and gas companies in Erbil. The different aspects of organizational citizenship behavior among the gas and petroleum companies operating in Erbil Governorate, Iraq, is investigated in this study. With this aim, the study was conducted to find out also how organizational citizenship, ethical climate and corporate reputation are correlated in the above mentioned energy companies. The analysis was made using data collected from a sample of 370 employees in the industry. The theoretical framework on the subject was based on the results and findings of other relevant and similar scientific studies.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere107450
Pages (from-to)4059-4070
Number of pages12
Issue number107
Publication statusPublished - 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • Corporate reputation (CR)
  • Ethical climate (EC)
  • Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB)
  • Petroleum and gas companies in Erbil


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