An evaluation framework for e-government projects

Panos Fitsilis, Leonidas Anthopoulos, Vassilis C. Gerogiannis

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    E-government progress is being evaluated by multiple surveys, carried out by international and supranational organizations national observatories and individual parties. All surveys evaluate e-government progress using different methods, indices and perspectives. E-government progress evaluation is complex, since e-government projects vary from infrastructural, to software and to political ones. In this chapter, an evaluation framework for e-government software projects' progress and results is introduced. The framework consists of indices extracted from e-government related literature and from the project management field of knowledge. Major benchmarking approaches -from the Information Society Directorate General, United Nations, World Bank etc. - were analyzed for the purposes of this framework. The approach results in the development of an "e-government balanced scorecard", able to measure facets such as product and process issues, as well as project management processes. Each facet of the scorecard has a set of objectives and utilizes a set of measurements to evaluate e-government projects from various perspectives, interrelated to strategic planning, such as product, process and project management as well as service quality management.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCitizens and E-Government
    Subtitle of host publicationEvaluating Policy and Management
    PublisherIGI Global
    Number of pages22
    ISBN (Print)9781615209316
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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