Are There 'Honorable Merchants' in International Marketing Channels?

George S. Spais, Hans Ruediger Kaufmann

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The starting points of this initial exploratory study are two research questions: (1) could marketing relationships in international marketing channels be predicted by international marketing managers' behavior reflected by "honorable merchants'" key concepts (ethics and trust) and experiential learning key concepts such as capability and competence?; and (2) can we measure the progress of this research theme in the international marketing literature and understand the nature of this phenomenon? We examine how scholarly research on international marketing managers' behavior and their marketing relationships evolved from 2003 to 2013 and envisage the shape of this research theme the next years, to uncover current trends and possible research gaps on the ethics agenda in the international marketing education area. We identified the most salient concepts from 2,083 words for 22 key concepts counted in the abstracts of the 327 journal articles of the international marketing literature, in order to innovatively uncover the trends and concepts, explaining the marketing relationships in the international marketing context. We assessed sets of concepts that best reflect the marketing relationships in international marketing channels and indicated prospects for increasing the focus on specific topics, by conducting a series of multiple linear regression analyses and trend analyses. The research results show that the progress of the research theme can be measured. Innovatively, key competences and capabilities of international marketing managers relating to the key concepts of the "honorable merchant" construct are realized as a strong logical basis for the explanation of effective marketing relationships in international marketing channels.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)199-211
    Number of pages13
    JournalThunderbird International Business Review
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2016


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