B2B and internal relationships and curative international marketing: A polish case study

H. R. Kaufmann, M. R. Czinkota, M. Zakrzewski

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This paper follows the call of Lusch and Vargo (2010) expressed in their influential paper for a new science of the market to transcend the various sub-disciplines of Marketing, including B2B Marketing. The paper applies and expands the multidisciplinary components of this new science in the transitional context of Poland. The authors suggest that this new science, in the context of Poland's transition, is best reflected in the innovative term ‘Curative International Marketing’. The authors conclude that still existing transitional gaps in Poland can be the result of neglecting the micro internal and meso B2B relationships. Macro factor development can be partially seen as a success story but also negatively affected B2B and internal relationships. The unconsidered concept of identity is regarded center stage to explain the relationship related phenomena. Based on the philosophy of Curative International Marketing, a future focus on B2B and internal relationships is regarded to be on the top of the agenda to improve value co-creation, and provide for a better health level of market systems as a whole.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)69-78
    Number of pages10
    JournalIndustrial Marketing Management
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2015


    • B2B/internal relationships
    • Market science


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