Characteristics of Induced Labour

D. M.F. Gibb, S. Arulkumaran, S. H. Heng, S. S. Ratnam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The features of labour and delivery were studied in 1057 consecutive cases of induced labour in the University Unit, Kandang Kerbau Hospital, Singapore. The rate of induction was 9.8%. Six hundred and seventy‐three (63.7%) had normal vaginal deliveries, 174 (16.5%) were delivered by caesarean section and 209 (19.8%) had instrumental vaginal delivery. The mean gestational age was 40.1 weeks with 13 cases being induced at less than 37 completed weeks. Five hundred and fifty nine patients were nulliparae and 498 multiparae. The mean modified Bishop's score was 5.8 in nulliparae and 6.3 in multiparae. The mean length of the first stage of labour was 8.1 hours in nulliparae and 4.5 hours in multiparae. The mean maximum dose of oxytocin was 17.8 milliunits per minute in nulliparae and 13.2 milliunits per minute in multiparae. The caesarean section rate was 24.2% in nulliparae and 7.8% in multiparae. 43.7% of the caesarean sections in the nulliparae were ascribed to failed induction of labour and 35.9% in the multiparae. The nulliparae with poor cervical scores required a mean maximum dose of oxytocin of 24.1 milliunits per minute having a mean first stage of labour of 10.8 hours. The emergency caesaren section rate was 64% in this group. The ease with which labour can be induced with a favourable obstetric outcome is dependent on parity and cervical score. Nulliparous patients with a poor cervical score have a high rate of failed induction of labour. In such circumstances induction of labour should be performed where there is objective evidence of fetal compromise.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)27-31
Number of pages5
JournalAsia‐Oceania Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1985


  • abnormal labour
  • cervical score
  • failed induction
  • fetal campromise
  • nulliparae


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