Component-based information systems: toward a framework for evaluation

Mark Lycett, George M. Giaglis

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    Information systems evaluation is problematic. It is noted to be under-researched in relation to development, is contentious in terms of quantification, measurement and effort required and there is a marked difference between theoretical development and practical use. Drawing on a critical review of 'tradition' in information systems evaluation this paper applies the lessons learnt to the context of component-based development. In common with development approaches that have preceded components, there is consequently a danger that investment decisions fall prey to 'hype' and there is evidence to suggest that there is considerable risk inherent in the migration to component-based systems. Such risk provides an opportunity to bridge the perceived chasm between information systems development and evaluation in three ways. Firstly, by integrating business driven evaluation with the development approach at an early stage of the adoption process. Secondly, by using this integration to lessen the perceived effort of evaluation. Thirdly, by making evaluation a dynamic and ongoing process. With this in mind, the paper discusses the demands of evaluating component-based development in the context of a conceptual framework that concentrates on gaining a pluralistic understanding of the information needs of stakeholders.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
    Number of pages1
    ISBN (Print)0769504930
    Publication statusPublished - 2000
    EventThe 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Siences (HICSS-33) - Maui, USA
    Duration: 4 Jan 20007 Jan 2000


    OtherThe 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Siences (HICSS-33)
    CityMaui, USA


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