Computational aeroacoustics beneath high speed transitional and turbulent boundary layers

K. Ritos, D. Drikakis, I. W. Kokkinakis

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper concerns a study of pressure fluctuations beneath hypersonic shock-wave turbulent boundary layer interactions and the associated acoustic loading on a compression/expansion ramp. We have employed high-order implicit large eddy simulations and conducted simulations at Mach 7.2. The spectral analysis of the pressure fluctuations at various locations of the compression/expansion ramp are compared with the spectra calculated beneath a hypersonic transitional boundary layer. Similarities and differences between the two hypersonic boundary layers, in the context of acoustic loading, are drawn. Extremely high values of pressure fluctuations are recorded after the shock re-attachement where the maximum pressure gradients are also observed, indicating that acoustic loading is correlated with areas of high pressure gradients. Finally, we show the impact of the boundary layer state (attached flow, turbulence bursts, recirculations, shock oscillations, shock re-attachment and expansion fans) on the frequency spectrum of the pressure fluctuations.

Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes
Event10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD 2018 - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 9 Jul 201813 Jul 2018


Conference10th International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD 2018


  • Aeroacoustics
  • Compressible flow
  • Hypersonic flows
  • ILES
  • Transition


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