Conceptual framework of a simplified multi-dimensional model presenting the environmental and personal determinants of cardiometabolic risk behaviors in childhood

George Moschonis, Konstantina Tsoutsoulopoulou, Eirini Efstathopoulou, Lydia Tsirigoti, Christina Paulina Lambrinou, Alexandra Georgiou, Christina Filippou, Irene Lidoriki, Kyriakos Reppas, Odysseas Androutsos, Christos Lionis, George P. Chrousos, Yannis Manios

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


Clinical manifestations of cardiometabolic risk (CMR) may be set early in childhood due to unfavorable behaviors or lifestyle patterns related to diet and physical activity. Several factors may determine the adoption of such lifestyle-related behaviors, which researchers have tried to cluster under certain frameworks or models. In this context, the framework developed and proposed by this review gathers all the present knowledge regarding these determining factors to date and groups them into three main categories related to personal characteristics and the social and physical environment. Based on the proposed framework, a large variety of personal, social and physical environmental factors can positively or negatively influence CMR-related behaviors (either directly or indirectly via their interrelations), thus leading to decreased or increased risk, respectively. This framework could be of great value to public health policy makers and legislators for designing and implementing interventional programs tailored to the needs of susceptible population groups who are most in need for such initiatives. Targeting the correlates as potential determinants of CMR-related behaviors, and not just on the behaviors themselves, has been shown previously to be the most effective approach for tackling health issues related to CMR starting from early life stages..

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)673-692
Number of pages20
JournalExpert Review of Cardiovascular Therapy
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2015


  • cardiometabolic risk
  • children
  • environmental determinants
  • personal determinants


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