Cutting and casting Greek types in the nineteenth and twentieth century

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The singular evolution of Greek typography, as well as the involvement of a limited circle of people with its history, has deprived us of research in such matters. Any comparison with bibliographies of other countries would be wrong. Nevertheless, we cannot fail to acknowledge the intensified efforts, especially over the last fifteen years, towards the identification and study of issues related to Greek typography. It would probably be irrational to expect impressive results in such a short period of time, since many of the basic conditions that promote and facilitate research are missing. Some of conditions will only be met by establishing and developing schools, academic departments, research centres and museums. Furthermore, we should not forget that the study of typography demands constant contact and co-operation among experts from different academic fields: epigraphists, palaeographers, art historians, book scholars, craftsmen, and the like.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGutenberg Jahrbuch
EditorsStephan Füssel
Place of PublicationGermany
PublisherGutenberg-Institut für Weltliteratur und schriftorientierte Medien
ISBN (Print)978-3-447-05377-8
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • Typography
  • Printing
  • Printing history
  • Greek graphic design
  • Greek typefaces
  • Greek typefoundries
  • Greek printing types
  • Greek printing history


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