Determination and assessment of the best interest of children: drawing lessons from stakeholders and the need for interdisciplinary education; the case of Cyprus

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Protecting vulnerable children is always a challenging and difficult task. Many of the challenges stem from the nature of the difficulties that children come across in their life and especially from the duration of time they have been exposed to. Atat the same time, problems arise due to lack of working protocols amongst agencies, lack of common understanding amongst professionals on how they determine and assess children best interest. Therefore, this cross-section study, commissioned by the Ombudsman of Children Rights in Cyprus, collected data through individual interviews and focus groups that were analysed using the content analysis method. Content analysis is performed by identifying specific conceptual categories, as they emerge from the literature review and the analysis and conceptual connection of interview data. The study aims were to gain knowledge on how involved stakeholdersagencies (governmental and non-governmental) a) understand the determination and assessment of a child within their working environment b) what are the procedures currently in action, in order to guarantee children’s best interest (BIC) and finally c) the level of children’s involvement in the decision-making process. Results of the study indicated lack of coordinated interdisciplinary synergies, lack of common understanding amongst professionals on how to ensure children’s best interest (BIC) and need for setting up a common framework both in practice and teachingeducational level in order to secure children’s best interest. Therefore, this study highlighted the need for curricula update that will promote and enhance interdisciplinary practices in child care. Focus is mainly given on how social work education can adopt this study results.

Original languageEnglish
JournalSocial Work Education
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024


  • best interest of the child
  • child protection
  • Interdisciplinary education
  • social work education
  • working together


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