Distribution of ABO blood group antibody titers in pediatric patients awaiting renal transplantation: Implications for organ allocation policy

A. Nicholas R. Barnett, Alex Hudson, Vassilis G. Hadjianastassiou, Stephen D. Marks, Christopher J.D. Reid, Tim P. Maggs, Robert Vaughan, Nizam Mamode

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


BACKGROUND: Blood group-incompatible transplantation is one strategy used when a potential recipient does not have a compatible living donor. Current practice includes desensitization strategies to reduce antibody titers. However, when antibodies are low, in cardiac transplantation in neonates for example, no desensitization is required. This study is the first to examine the distribution of ABO blood group antibody titers in a population of pediatric patients on the deceased-donor renal transplantation waiting list. METHODS: All patients from two pediatric nephrology centers active on the national deceased-donor waiting list had antibody titers (total immunoglobulin load) measured. A simulation modeling the effect of allocating blood group-incompatible deceased-donor kidneys to those patients with titers of 16 or lower was developed. RESULTS: Twenty-four children were screened; eight (33.3%) had titers of either anti-A or anti-B antibodies of 8 or lower. A further three (12.5%) had either an anti-A or anti-B antibody titer of 16. Blood group A or B patients had lower antibody levels than blood group O patients. In blood group O patients, levels of anti-A antibodies were higher than anti-B antibodies (Wilcoxon signed rank test, P=0.028). The simulation model showed that a change in organ allocation policy would increase pediatric transplant activity by 2.2% and reduce the median waiting time for a transplant. CONCLUSION: This allocation strategy may be of particular benefit to those pediatric patients who have been on the deceased-donor waiting list for a long time or those with a high calculated reaction frequency.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)362-368
Number of pages7
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 27 Aug 2012


  • ABO blood-group system
  • Blood group incompatibility
  • Kidney transplantation
  • Pediatrics


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