Efficient radio resource management algorithms in opportunistic cognitive radio networks

Athina Bourdena, Evangelos Pallis, Georgios Kormentzas, George Mastorakis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper proposes two radio resource management algorithms, enabling for the opportunistic exploitation of TV white spaces in a centralised cognitive radio networking architecture. Efficient administration of radio spectrum resources is achieved, by exploiting a novel framework, adopted in a spectrum broker, which is in charge to effectively orchestrate the available wireless networking resources. Experimental tests confirmed the validity of both algorithms adopted, identifying fields for further research and experimentation.

Cognitive radio (CR) bands following an interference-free opportunistic manner. However, introduction of CR networks creates new challenges that are highly related to the fluctuation of TVWS, as they vary over time and location, as well as issues related to diverse Quality of Service requirements. In this context, this paper proposes two radio resource management (RRM) algorithms, enabling for the opportunistic exploitation of TVWS in a centralised CR networking architecture. Efficient administration of radio spectrum resources is achieved, by exploiting a novel RRM framework, adopted in a spectrum broker, which is in charge to effectively orchestrate the available wireless networking resources. Efficient RRM algorithms performance, as a matter of maximum-possible spectrum broker benefit and radio spectrum utilisation, as well as minimum-possible spectrum fragmentation is evaluated, by considering a fixed-price and an auction-based optimization approach. Experimental tests that were conducted under controlled simulation conditions, confirmed the validity of both RRM algorithms adopted in the proposed CR networking architecture, identifying fields for further research and experimentation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)785-797
Number of pages13
JournalTransactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2014


  • Centralised networking architectures
  • Opportunistic cognitive radio networks
  • Radio resource management algorithms
  • Spectrum broker
  • TV white spaces


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