Experimentally induced pain increases absolute but not relative errors and reduces variability in joint repositioning of the knee joint in healthy participants

Michalis A. Efstathiou, Stelios Hadjisavvas, Irene Chrysovalanto Themistocleous, Katerina Daskalaki, Zoi Roupa, Savoula Ghobrial, Christoforos Giannaki, Christos Savva, Lee Herrington, Manos Stefanakis

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Background: Joint position sense (JPS) plays an important role in knee joint function. Despite the possible influence of pain on the proprioceptive system, the effects of experimental muscle pain on knee JPS have not been studied. Objectives: To investigate if experimentally induced muscle pain affects knee JPS in healthy participants. Methods: Measurements of knee JPS were conducted before and after the injection of 5.8% sterile hypertonic saline in the vastus medialis muscle of 26 healthy physically active adults. Knee JPS was assessed through a passive/active repositioning paradigm in target angles of 15°, 45° and 60° using an isokinetic dynamometer. Absolute and relative angular errors were calculated. The coefficient of variation analysis was used to assess differences in the angles’ variability during the repositioning task. Results: Absolute angular error increased in all three angles following experimentally induced pain. The difference was statistically significant at 45° (p = 0.003, d = 0.6) and 15° (p = 0.047, d = 0.4) but not at 60° (p = 0.064, d = 0.4). Relative error did not show directional bias at 45° (p = 0.272, d = 0.2), 15° (p = 0.483, d = 0.1) or 60° (p = 0.091, d = 0.3). The coefficient of variation analysis revealed a statistically significant reduction in variability at angles of 60° (p = 0.002, d = 0.7) and 15° (p = 0.031, d = 0.4) after the pain intervention. Conclusion: The presence of experimentally induced muscle pain affects the ability of healthy participants to accurately reposition the knee at two angles of knee flexion and reduces movement variability during the repositioning task. Further research is required to determine if these deficits also impact patients with clinical knee pain.

Original languageEnglish
Article number103188
JournalMusculoskeletal Science and Practice
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2024


  • Experimentally induced pain
  • Joint position sense
  • Knee joint


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