Farmers’ perceptions and attitudes towards the development of the sheep and goat sector in the Greek region of Evros

Stamatis Aggelopoulos, Christos Karelakis, Georgios Tsantopoulos, Alexandra Pavloudi, Paschalis Seitanis

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The present study endeavors to investigate the attitudes, opinions and perceptions of livestock farmers regarding the main problems they face and confine the development of livestock in the Greek region of Evros. Primary data were collected through a quantitative survey (structured questionnaire) with livestock farmers in the region. The analysis of the survey data was carried out with the use of descriptive statistics, Friedman’s test and factor analysis. The results indicate that strategies for livestock development in the region should take into account the great dissatisfaction that exists towards public authorities and the level of satisfaction as regards the non-governmental bodies. Furthermore, the economic objectives are of primary importance for livestock farmers, whereas they stress their interest in training and know-how. Particularly on issues pertaining to dairy livestock management, improving sanitation conditions and enhancing the quality, digestibility and production of animal feed.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number1134
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 19 Jul 2016


    • Evros
    • Farmer attitudes
    • Farmers’ opinion
    • Farming practices
    • Sustainable development


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