Flow and the pedagogical affordances of computer games: a case study

Photini Theodoulou, Lucy Avraamidou, Charalambos Vrasidas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Drawing on the theories of symbolic interactionism, social constructivism, and flow, this research examines the integration of the electronic game of the World Food Programme of the UN “Food Force” in a unit on active citizenship and poverty eradication. The research was conducted in two ninth-grade classes of an urban high school in Cyprus. Data were collected from interviews with students and teachers (before and after the implementation), observations in the classroom, the reflective diary of the researcher, and two questionnaires for the students (before and after the implementation). Data analysis showed, among others, that the integration of the game reinforced the active participation of students in the course by evoking their interest and the creation of a “flow” state while using the game. Moreover, the game emerged as a tool for constructing an engaging learning experience through the interactions it supported and encouraged. The results highlight the importance of the use of computer games in education, especially in times that the pedagogical practices need urgent renewal in order to engage students in classroom settings.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)328-339
Number of pages12
JournalEducational Media International
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2 Oct 2015


  • affordance
  • computer games
  • flow
  • learning design


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