Growth poles and clusters: Are there useful analytical complementarities?

Charis Vlados, Dimos Chatzinikolaou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article aims to critically review the advancements in the study of contemporary
dynamics of local development under the prism of the analytical perspectives of growth poles
and clusters. We proceed to a literature review of clusters and growth poles and attempt an
analytical synthesis. The analysis of growth poles appears to remain within the interpretive
limits of traditional economic geography, focusing mainly on the dimension of regional
agglomerations. At the same time, the broader literature on clusters deals more with
interdisciplinary issues in their global perspective by starting increasingly its analysis from
the micro-dynamics articulated at the firm level. This article proposes a conceptual extension
to the analysis of the current dynamics of local development in the framework of the
“competitiveness web” that takes into account all the interdependent levels of space and
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)155-175
JournalBusiness and Economic Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Local development
  • Growth poles
  • Clusters
  • Helix theory
  • Competitiveness web


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