Hepatitis B virus DNA in saliva, urine, and seminal fluid of carriers of hepatitis B e antigen

P. Karayiannis, D. M. Novick, A. S.F. Lok, M. J.F. Fowler, J. Monjardino, H. C. Thomas

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Concentrated samples of saliva, urine, and seminal fluid from 23 men with chronic liver disease who were positive for hepatitis B e antigen were examined for the presence of hepatitis B virus deoxyribonucleic acid (HBV-DNA) by molecular hybridisation. HBV-DNA was detected in saliva from 15 of 17 men (88%), urine from 12 of 22 men (55%), and seminal fluid from 13 of 21 men (62%). The presence of hepatitis B virus in such secretions has important epidemiological implications for heterosexual and homosexual contact.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1853
Number of pages1
JournalBritish Medical Journal (Clinical research ed.)
Issue number6485
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jun 1985


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