High-speed shock-boundary-layer interaction over deformed surfaces

Ioannis W. Kokkinakis, Dimitris Drikakis, S. Michael Spottswood, Kirk R. Brouwer, Zachary B. Riley

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    This paper concerns the interaction of an oblique shock wave with a supersonic turbulent boundary layer over a thin panel surface, leading to shock-boundary layer interaction and panel buckling. We have performed high-order numerical simulations featuring various static two-dimensional surface deformations typically encountered in experiments. The deformation amplitudes we examined were at least half the height of the incoming turbulent boundary layer thickness. The results show that along the panel midspan, where the maximum deformation amplitude is located, the mean and root mean square pressure are affected by about 10%. Cases for which the pressure at the shock-boundary layer interaction was increased relative to the planar case showed to decrease downstream, and vice versa. Despite the weak response to the mean pressure amplitude, the mean pressure surface contour plots reveal that the streamwise, particularly the spanwise distribution, is affected more noticeably. For example, the surface deformation modes are shown to disrupt the spanwise constant mean pressure, forming higher (or lower) values at either the panel's midspan or edges, depending on the mode. Moreover, the surface curvature leads to a characteristic bending of the spanwise distribution, which can be concave or convex depending on the deformation mode. Analysis of the Reynolds stress anisotropy componentality at different heights from the buckled surface reveals a similar spanwise response of the turbulent velocity fluctuations. The results suggest that the deformation rate plays an important role alongside the deformation amplitude in the turbulent layer and shock-boundary layer interaction.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number106109
    JournalPhysics of Fluids
    Issue number10
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2023


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