Human sexuality: Views and perspectives among Cypriot social workers – A compass to human sexuality education

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This article presents the first survey conducted in Cyprus in relation to the knowledge and perceptions of social workers and social work students on issues related to human sexuality. With the use of a sample of 155 participants, the researchers attempted to identify the major areas of human sexuality that concern Cypriot social workers and social work students. A variety of closed-ended questions, which resulted from two focus groups – one with professionals and the other with students, were given to all the participants whose response was found to be of vital importance for this study, as well as for future research. The study has revealed the necessity for further training and education on human sexuality issues for professionals and students in social work. A need for more studies, especially comparative studies in order to construct a more comprehensive view on this matter in comparison to social work programmes in other countries, was also found.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1548-1563
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Social Work
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2017


  • Cyprus
  • education
  • human sexuality
  • social work
  • training


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