Innovative Strategies and Challenges for the Prevention of Pathological Anxiety in Children and Adolescents

Ioannis Syros, Aggeliki Karantzali, Xenia Anastassiou-Hadjicharalambous

    Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review


    The effects of pathological anxiety on public health have led to the realization that anxious children might experience significant limitations in their lives. Evidence-based cognitive-behavioral (CB) interventions are now being implemented in schools at a group level to combat anxiety.Childhood emotional health should be considered a national and global priority for an effective strategy promoting the prevention of mental health. The aim of this study is the description of novel data on the effectiveness of preventive interventions for anxious children, as well as the study of selective parameters that appear to affect treatment outcome.Furthermore, a brief review is cited regarding two empirically supported interventions, which include the Friends and Pyramid Club program and the Super Skills for Life program. Schools are considered suitable places for all types of prevention programs; they provide a familiar environment to a child, and by providing access to the prevention programs to many children, school programs could be the ideal way for anxious young individuals to practice and generalize their skills. Schools also offer an ideal space for collaboration between teachers and mental health professionals. Most programs have been effective in reducing anxiety, especially those based on the principles of CB, where the effects appear to be independent of the professional status of the leader (trained teacher or mental health professional). Friends and Pyramid Club interventions are well-established, multifaceted, and cost-effective programs, which include combinations of techniques (mostly behavioral activation, cognitive preparation, teaching social skills, and relaxation techniques). Super Skills for Life is a promising program, which also uses video feedback as a part of treatment. Prevention programs have been established as a vital part of the treatment options for specialists. Research related to childhood anxiety is increasing, while the perspectives for finding novel data seem promising for the upcoming years.In this context, several studies reveal the need for early, selective, intensive, persistent, multifaceted, and participatory interventions.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalOBM Neurobiology
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


    • adolescents
    • anxiety disorders
    • children
    • cognitive-behavioral therapy
    • evidence-based interventions
    • pathological anxiety
    • Preventive interventions
    • school-based programs


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