Interdisciplinary-creative teaching: Blending Physical Education and Visual Arts pre and primary school curriculum standards through embodied learning experiences as Performing Art activities.

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The specific paper is an effort to mix and match, in a creative, meaningful way, at least two subject of the preschool and primary school curriculum, Physical Education (PE) and Visual Arts (VA). The idea behind this interdisciplinary educational activities based on three major issues in f irst grades education: a) the internal need and nature of young children for movement and play, b) the teachers’ accountability, regarding the implementation of school curriculum (teaching and assessment) and c) the need for cultivation of the 21st century skills. At least in Europe, all European countries recognise the importance of PE at school and the subject is part of all central curriculum frameworks. PE is compulsory in primary and lower secondary education (European Commission/ EACEA/Eurydice, 2013). The same exists for many countries worldwide. VA is, also, a part of compulsory education in many countries and some artistic disciplines, such as the Performing Arts (PA) involve aspects of the visual arts, e.g. drawing while moving or dancing. PA are usually connected with embodied activities, such as dance and theatre (drama) activities, where the body takes action in order to perform or create a part or a whole artifact. The paper presents this integrated idea and its f irst implementation at InSEA seminar in Thessaloniki, Greece (2018). This inter-disciplinary activity is also covers the nurturing of some of 21st century skills.
Original languageEnglish
Article number10
Pages (from-to)77-83
Number of pages7
JournalIMAG – International VISUAL JOURNAL for Art Education
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019


  • physical education
  • integrated approach
  • Curriculum
  • performing arts
  • Visual art
  • embodied cognition
  • Embodiment
  • movement integration


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