International restructuring dynamics

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


The collapse of the bipolar system in international relations after the end of Cold War has deeply readjusted and keeps readjusting the international economic system. A new state of things appears to apply nowadays and in the context of an ongoing globalization dynamic.
The increasing diffusion of multinational capital seems to transform the past priorities and its particular evolutionary morphology; it is progressively directed toward an increasing financialization reasoning. This development seems to bring forth significant threats and increased possibilities of a regional crisis, especially when the rapid expansion of the multinational financial capital in the “periphery” is not treated with sufficient global regulatory and control mechanisms.
In practice, the post-war international system, within its ongoing evolutionary phase, seems to require new and of different texture and reach regulatory mechanisms that could respond effectively to the challenges of the present globalization dynamics.
The crisis of the international fordistic model –both for the “central” or the “periphery” version– opens up a plexus of possible “national post-fordisms”. The world is entering an era of more and more new varieties of “capitalisms” than yesterday.
In total terms, the “Triad” poles theoretical perspective , that seems to prevail in the modern economic literature, does not seem able to provide a sufficient theoretical context of realizing the contemporary restructuring dynamics of global capitalism and of the new capitalistic protagonists that start to “hatch” nowadays.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFoundation Congress of IMSAM (Institute of Middle East Studies “Al Mamun”)
Publication statusPublished - 1995
EventFoundation Congress of IMSAM (Institute of Middle East Studies “Al Mamun”) - Karfas Hotel, Chios, Greece
Duration: 21 Aug 199526 Aug 1995


ConferenceFoundation Congress of IMSAM (Institute of Middle East Studies “Al Mamun”)
Internet address


  • Contemporary globalization dynamics
  • multinational financial capital
  • Fordism
  • Post-fordism
  • Triad
  • capitalism varieties


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