Laser for hair removal. Challenges-considerations

Vasiliki Kefala, Foteini Biskanaki, Εleni Andreou, Εleni Sfyri, Νiki Tertipi, Εfstathios Rallis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The unwanted presence and growth of hair on certain bodyparts is an everyday concern for many women, and even somemen, with the increased preference for a “neat image” andwhat society perceives as acceptable (1). The occurrence of excessive hair, especially facial hair in women, can lead toemotional distress and decreased quality of life. A number oftreatments are available for their removal. Temporary methodsare relatively inexpensive and convenient; however, theyonly offer interim results and treatments must to be repeatedon a regular basis. An alternative option is permanentremoval that makes use of lasers and IPL devices.Laser hair removal and IPL treatments are one of the mostwidely performed, minimally invasive cosmetic procedures performed,highlighting the popularity of this treatment. It relies on photothermal destruction, through the principles of selective photothermolysis, to induce damage to hair. However, epidermalmelanin also competes for photon absorption, which posesa risk for burns. Thus, dark skin types pose further complicationsfor laser hair removal. In spite of this, advances in technologyand the proper protocol does allow for these proceduresin such individuals, however great care should be taken. A number of other risks are also associated with the treatment. Not only do risksexist for patients, but there are also occupational risks associatedwith laser operators. High levels of UFPs have been identified,and levels remain high even with the use of a smoke extractor.(3) The absence of formal training and regulationposes a large risk to the public.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)17-22
Number of pages6
JournalEpitheorese Klinikes Farmakologias kai Farmakokinetikes
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Alexandrite laser
  • Diode laser
  • Hair removal
  • ND-Yag laser
  • Ruby laser


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