Major influences on attitudes toward science

Constantinos Papanastasiou, Elena C. Papanastasiou

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This research study investigated the attitudes toward science of 8th-grade students in Australia, Canada, Cyprus, and Korea, based on recent TIMSS data, and suggests a model of family and school influences on their attitudes. The structural equation model contained 3 exogenous constructs–family’s educational background, aspiration, school climate–and 2 endogenous constructs–teaching and student attitudes toward science. Educational background, aspiration, and school climate were shown to have a direct effect on attitudes, while teaching was shown to directly affect attitudes and to be affected by aspiration and school climate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)239-257
Number of pages19
JournalEducational Research and Evaluation
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2004
Externally publishedYes


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