Mitigating file-sharing misbehavior with movement synchronization to increase end-to-end availability for delay sensitive streams in vehicular P2P devices

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When dealing with wireless connectivity in a mobile peer-to-peer (MP2P) environment, there are many concerns about the offered efficiency and availability of the requested resources and concerns about practicality considerations. These considerations deal with the movement and deployment of continuous connectivity. The intermittent connectivity is a major factor for object sharing misbehavior because it aggravates the connectivity and reliability. MP2P environments are in need of specialized placement algorithms where structured index-centric solutions will be able to provide efficiency and object location determination over intermittent connectivity and communication. Replication of any requested object and redundancy face the requests' failures because they create severe duplications, and aggravate the capacity of the end-to-end path. This work proposes a framework that enables mitigation between the file sharing misbehavior in contrast to the movement synchronization, and it quantifies the parameters that affect the end-to-end efficient transmission by taking into consideration the synchronization between moving peers to assign the requested resources in the end-to-end path. Resilience metrics are introduced to enable reliability in cooperative file sharing procedure. The proposed scheme considers synchronization and assignment of the moving mobile Infostation peer with certain object indices to a certain vehicle via a synchronized cooperative scheme where the file sharing process is performed through the message ferry mobile peer. In addition, a resource assignment cooperation engine is developed taking into consideration the social cooperation model and the end-to-end capacity of the relay path. The proposed resource exchange apparatus for file chunks' migration is performed to enable delay sensitive streaming. The proposed model is evaluated through experimental simulation taking measures for the throughput and the reliability offered and for the robustness for sharing resources of any capacity in dynamically changing MP2P wireless environments under synchronized movements.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1599-1616
Number of pages18
JournalInternational Journal of Communication Systems
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013


  • end-to-end efficiency
  • evaluation through simulation
  • partially synchronized mobility scheme
  • resource migration efficiency
  • synchronized mobility scheme
  • users-contact parameters in resource migration


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