title = "Mobile commons and/in precarious spaces: Mapping migrant struggles and social resistance1",
keywords = "mobile commons, precarity, work, precarious spaces, migrants, socialities, digitalities, out of joint",
author = "Nicos Trimikliniotis and Dimitris Parsanoglou and Vassilis Tsianos",
note = "Funding Information: 6 The paper develops and draws from the fieldwork conducted under the project Transnation-al digital networks, migration and gender, MIG@NET, work package 9 on Social Movements, funded by the 7th Framework Program, eu dg Research. Some of the themes were further theoretically expanded in our book (Trimikliniotis, Parsanoglou and Tsianos 2015).",
year = "2017",
doi = "10.1163/9789004329706_012",
language = "English",
series = "Studies in Critical Social Sciences",
publisher = "Brill Academic Publishers",
pages = "224--244",
booktitle = "Studies in Critical Social Sciences",
address = "Netherlands",