Modeling and evaluating the resilience of critical electrical power infrastructure to extreme weather events

Mathaios Panteli, Pierluigi Mancarella

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Electrical power systems have been traditionally designed to be reliable during normal conditions and abnormal but foreseeable contingencies. However, withstanding unexpected and less frequent severe situations still remains a significant challenge. As a critical infrastructure and in the face of climate change, power systems are more and more expected to be resilient to high-impact low-probability events determined by extreme weather phenomena. However, resilience is an emerging concept, and, as such, it has not yet been adequately explored in spite of its growing interest. On these bases, this paper provides a conceptual framework for gaining insights into the resilience of power systems, with focus on the impact of severe weather events. As quantifying the effect of weather requires a stochastic approach for capturing its random nature and impact on the different system components, a novel sequential Monte-Carlo-based time-series simulation model is introduced to assess power system resilience. The concept of fragility curves is used for applying weather- and time-dependent failure probabilities to system's components. The resilience of the critical power infrastructure is modeled and assessed within a context of system-of-systems that also include human response as a key dimension. This is illustrated using the IEEE 6-bus test system.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7036086
Pages (from-to)1733-1742
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Systems Journal
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2017


  • Climate change
  • critical infrastructure (CI)
  • power systems
  • reliability
  • resilience
  • resiliency
  • weather


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