Multiple detection test generation with diversified fault partitioning paths

Stelios Neophytou, Maria K. Michael

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The dependability of current and future nanoscale technologies highly depends on the ability of the testing process to detect emerging defects that cannot be modeled traditionally. Generating test sets that detect each fault more than one times has been shown to increase the effectiveness of a test set to detect non-modeled faults, either static or dynamic. Traditional n-detect test sets guarantee to detect a modeled fault with minimum n different tests. Recent techniques examine how to quantify and maximize the difference between the various tests for a fault. The proposed methodology introduces a new systematic test generation algorithm for multiple-detect (including n-detect) test sets that increases the diversity of the fault propagation paths excited by the various tests per fault. A novel algorithm tries to identify different propagating paths (if such a path exists) for each one of the multiple (n) detections of the same fault. The proposed method can be applied to any linear, to the circuit size, static or dynamic fault model for multiple fault detections, such as the stuck-at or transition delay fault models, and avoids any path or path segment enumeration. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the approach in increasing the number of fault propagating paths when compared to traditional n-detect test sets.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)585-597
Number of pages13
JournalMicroprocessors and Microsystems
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • ATPG
  • Fault propagation paths
  • Multiple-detect
  • n-Detect
  • Non-modeled defects
  • VLSI test


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