On the mobility scenario implementation using a graphical P2P discrete event simulator for the bittorrent protocol

Marios Charalambous, Constandinos Mavromoustakis, George Violaris, Muneer Yassein

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Peer-to-Peer computing is nowadays the application platform which utilizes a novel distributed computing paradigm. It allows any number of participants to exchange and coordinate their resources with minimum overhead through centralized servers/services. This paradigm is also gaining ground in mobile computing environments. By merging the wireless and the static worlds of Peer-to-Peer applications, new services emerge. As Peer-to-Peer networks have nowadays become the basis for efficiently sharing data among users (both wireless and static) this work elaborates on the design of a new simulation framework via which, a mobility-based scenario can be utilized using the Bittorrent protocol. The framework uses a structured-based overlay for the static peers, and unstructured for mobile peers. Many parameters were introduced for the diffusion process and the seeding techniques that are utilized by the Bittorrent simulation framework. By using the Object Oriented design paradigm the proposed simulation framework is developed to be highly scalable being capable to potentially host new components. The simulation tool can encompass a scenario with partial mobility characteristics in a Peer-tracker and a Peer-to-Peer communication enhancement scheme. The proposed simulation framework can evaluate effectively the scalable mobility and can estimate the availability of requested resources of each individual user (both mobile and static). Finally the created simulation framework and the designed modules take into consideration the active intercluster peer participation and evaluate a degree of participation while resources are being exchanged.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)449-487
Number of pages39
JournalJournal of Algorithms and Computational Technology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2013


  • Mobility-enabled Bittorrent Simulator
  • P2P mobility
  • Performance Evaluation Tool
  • Seeding Strategies
  • Wireless and Static P2P sharing


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