Perceived electronic service quality: Some preliminary results from a cross-national study in mobile internet services

Pavlos A. Vlachos, George Giaglis, Inseong Lee, Adam P. Vrechopoulos

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Work on how consumers evaluate electronic service quality is both topical and important due to the well-accepted criticality of electronic channels in selling products and services. However, most of the relevant research on electronic research quality is preoccupied with the website Internet context and most of the studies are singlecountry studies, inhibiting conclusions of generalizibility. Theoretically rooted in the Nordic Model of perceived service quality, this exploratory study uses an e-service quality scale to measure mobile Internet service quality in different national settings. Consistent with the available e-service quality literature, results indicate that e-service quality is a second-order factor, with three reflective first-order dimensions: efficiency, outcome, and customer care. Most important, cross-validation investigations using samples drawn from Korean, Hong Kong, and Japanese mobile Internet user populations, support the factorial structure invariance of the construct. Following Cheung and Reynolds's (2002) suggestions, factor means differences between the three countries contributing to the scarce cross-national electronic service quality literature are tentatively examined. These initial empirical findings imply that although consumers in different countries use the same dimensions to evaluatemobile Internet services, importance weightings assigned on these dimension are probably not the same.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)217-244
    Number of pages28
    JournalInternational Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2011


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