Psychology curricula for non-psychologists? A framework recommended by the European Federation of Psychologists' Associations' Board of Educational Affairs

Stephan Dutke, Helen Bakker, Lenka Sokolová, Iva Stuchlikova, Sergio Salvatore, Ioulia Papageorgi

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    This paper argues that teaching psychology for non-psychologists influences psychology's public image and the basis of collaboration between psychologists and non-psychologists. Therefore, designing psychology curricula for non-psychology students and professionals is an important task of psychology departments that deserves attention. For guiding the design process, we propose considering five criteria. Curricula for non-psychologists should be (a) specific to the profession of the target group, (b) specific to the needs and (c) work processes of the target group and (d) limited to the professional field of the target group. Although psychology curricula for non-psychology students need to be limited regarding its breadth, they should (e) maintain the depth and multi-perspectivity required for understanding psychological phenomena. Discussing these criteria should help raise awareness for the role of teaching psychology to students of academic disciplines and professions other than psychology.

    Original languageEnglish
    JournalPsychology Learning and Teaching
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 1 Jan 2018


    • Non-psychology students
    • psychology as a minor subject
    • psychology curricula


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