Quality of Service Measures of Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Network using Energy Consumption Mitigation with Asynchronous Inactivity Periods

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Improper power management in a wireless network can substantially degrade the Quality of Service (QoS) and increase the overall energy consumed. This can further lead to network partitioning problems, which denote inefficiency in hosting multimedia applications. Current scheduling approaches for energy conservation save energy by allowing either periodic “idling” or high latencies, which are unable to host delay-sensitive multimedia applications. Delay-sensitive applications need to have an end-to-end path with energy availability. In this paper, an on-demand scheme is proposed based on each node's self-scheduling energy management, suitable for hosting delay-sensitive traffic. A sleep history characterization for the traffic is modeled, affecting the overall idle or inactive/sleep duration in a way that enables energy conservation. Through simulation, the QoS of the proposed scheme is evaluated by using two different routing schemes. These schemes prove that the overall energy savings during delay-sensitive transmissions using asynchronous (non-periodic) sleep time is significantly higher than the synchronous (periodic). Experimental results depict the scheme's efficiency with respect to the underlying routing protocol used, to manage nodes' energy on a self-tuned mode.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)107-122
Number of pages16
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • adaptive traffic scheme
  • coerced caching
  • energy conservation
  • energy consumption mitigation
  • Mobile ad-hoc networks


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