Real-time performance evaluation of asynchronous time division traffic-aware and delay-tolerant scheme in ad hoc sensor networks

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Wireless infrastructureless networks demand high resource availability with respect to the progressively decreasing energy consumption. A variety of new applications with different service requirements demand fairness to the service provision and classification, and reliability in an end-to-end manner. High-priority packets are delivered within a hard time delay bound whereas improper power management in wireless networks can substantially degrade the throughput and increase the overall energy consumed. In this work a new scheme is being proposed and evaluated in real time using a state-based layered oriented architecture for energy conservation (EC). The proposed scheme uses the node's self-tuning scheme, where each node is assigned with a dissimilar sleep and wake time, based on traffic that is destined for each node. This approach is based on stream's characteristics with respect to different caching behavioral and storage- capacity characteristics, and considers a model concerning the layered connectivity characteristics for enabling the EC mechanism. EC characteristics are modeled and through the designed tiered architecture the estimated metrics of the scheme can be bounded and tuned into certain regulated values. The real-time evaluation results were extracted by using dynamically moving and statically located sensor nodes. A performance comparison is done with respect to different data traffic priority classifications following a real-time asymmetrical transmission channel. Results have shown the scheme's efficiency in conserving energy while the topology configuration changes with time.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)167-186
Number of pages20
JournalInternational Journal of Communication Systems
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2010


  • Energy level self-control
  • Layered-based energy conservation
  • Mobile peer to peer networks energy management scheme
  • Real-time evaluation
  • State-based energy conservation


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