Review of epidemiology of depression and implications for community nursing practice.

Chrystalleni Lazarou, Christiana Kout, Margarita Kapsou, Charis Kaite

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Depression is regarded as one of the most common mental disorders, but available data point out that only less than one third of adults with depression obtain appropriate professional treatment. This is attributed (amongst other reasons) to the under-recognition of the problem by the health professionals including the general practice nurses. In order to improve recognition rates it is imperative that nurses and especially those working at community settings appreciate the importance of prompt diagnosis which, on one hand presumes an understanding and knowledge of basic aspects of the problem and on the other hand an understanding of their role. This overview presents basic epidemiological data and the potential consequences on daily functioning and other aspects of life that depression may have as to become aware and sensitive regarding to depressive clients. It also discusses the role of nurses in the community, in order to improve recognition rates.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)246-249
Number of pages4
JournalEast African journal of public health
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2010


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