Serum levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans in a sample of Lebanese pregnant women: The role of dietary, anthropometric, and environmental factors

Yara Mahfouz, Mireille Harmouche-Karaki, Joseph Matta, Maya Mahfouz, Pascale Salameh, Hassan Younes, Khalil Helou, Ramzi Finan, Georges Abi-Tayeh, Mohamad Meslimani, Ghada Moussa, Nada Chahrour, Camille Osseiran, Farouk Skaiky, Jean François Narbonne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) are unintentionally produced, toxic environmental chemicals that persist for long years and bioaccumulate along the food chain, contaminating humans through diet. A particularly critical population subgroup is pregnant women given the adverse health effects on fetuses and newborns. Several anthropogenic sources of exposure to PCDD/Fs exist in Lebanon. Therefore, the aim of the present cross-sectional study is to measure the levels of PCDD/Fs in a sample of pregnant women in Lebanon and to explore potential associated factors. In this study, we measured serum concentrations of seven dioxins and ten furans, among 423 pregnant women recruited at delivery, using gas chromatography MS/MS. Among 269 participants, maternal sociodemographic information was collected including vicinity to landfills, incineration, pesticide use, industrial activity, and smoking. Anthropometric data were registered regarding pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), pre-pregnancy weight loss from restrictive diet, and gestational weight gain. Intake of major food groups generally related to PCDD/Fs was reported (fish, red meat, poultry, and dairy). Bivariate and multivariate analyses were performed to identify associations. PCDD/Fs were detected in 0 to 56.1% of the sample. Geometric mean concentrations were 75.5 (2.35) pg/g lipid and 2.25 (1.39) TEQ2005 pg/g lipid for total dioxins, and 2.66 (1.76) pg/g lipid and 0.34 (1.78) TEQ2005 pg/g lipid for total furans. Levels were relatively lower than levels previously observed in France, Germany, Mexico, Ghana, and Japan. Red meat consumption was the most consistently associated factor with a 2.38–2.57 fold increase in PCDD/F levels. Pre-pregnancy weight loss showed inverse associations with PCDD/F congeners. Vicinity to illegal incineration was also associated with a 2.32–2.43 fold increase in PCDD/F levels. In conclusion, results showed the importance of dietary, anthropometric, and environmental factors in the present sample's exposure to PCDD/Fs, in a region that contains anthropogenic sources of contamination.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114647
JournalEnvironmental Research
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Dietary exposure
  • Dioxins
  • Exposure predictors
  • Human biomonitoring
  • Persistent organic pollutants
  • Serum


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