Service quality, word of mouth and trust: Drivers to achieve patient satisfaction

Shahbaz Shabbir, Hans Ruediger Kaufmann, Mudassar Shehzad

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the elements of the services provided in Pakistani hospitals (Public and Private) and their contribution to patient satisfaction regarding trust on the service providers. The analysis was based on a survey of patient in public and private hospitals in Islamabad, Pakistan. The data were analyzed through a correspondence analysis which was applied to the results of the 245 distributed questionnaires. Correlation and regression analysis were used to find out the impact of Service quality, Word of mouth and Trust on patients satisfaction. Pakistani patient's perceived public hospitals to be superior in the quality of their service provision, which is not, aligned with the majority of recent study findings. These results are accepted because Islamabad's hospitals are offering improved service so that they accomplish the need of their patient. The data was gathered from hospitals situated in Islamabad only, hence future research could extend these findings to other cities in Pakistan to test their generalizability as Islamabad is the capital city and they are offering improved service so that they accomplish the need of their patient. This paper contributes in the existing literature on health care industry by investing the impact of word of mouth on patient satisfaction which was ignored in the previous studies. To investigate the impact of word of mouth is also very vital because of the different attitude of patients observed in developing countries such as Pakistan.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2457-2462
    Number of pages6
    JournalScientific Research and Essays
    Issue number17
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Sept 2010


    • Hospital
    • Pakistan
    • Patient satisfaction
    • Service quality
    • Trust
    • Word of mouth


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