Sixth-order parabolic equation on an interval: Eigenfunction expansion, Green’s function, and intermediate asymptotics for a finite thin film with elastic resistance

Nectarios C. Papanicolaou, Ivan C. Christov

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A linear sixth-order partial differential equation (PDE) of “parabolic” type describes the dynamics of thin liquid films beneath surfaces with elastic bending resistance when deflections from the equilibrium film height are small. On a finite domain, the associated sixth-order eigenvalue problem is self-adjoint for the boundary conditions corresponding to a thin film in a closed trough, and the eigenfunctions form a complete orthonormal set. Using these eigenfunctions, we derive the Green’s function for the governing sixth-order PDE on a finite interval and compare it to the known infinite-line solution. Further, we propose a Galerkin spectral method based on the constructed sixth-order eigenfunctions and their derivative expansions. The system of ordinary differential equations for the time-dependent expansion coefficients is solved by standard numerical methods. The numerical approach is applied to versions of the governing PDE with a second-order spatial derivative (in addition to the sixth-order one), which arises from gravity acting on the film. In the absence of gravity, we demonstrate the self-similar intermediate asymptotics of initially localized disturbances on the film surface, at least until the disturbances “feel” the finite boundaries, and show that the derived Green’s function is an attractor for such solutions. In the presence of gravity, we use the proposed Galerkin numerical method to demonstrate that self-similar behavior persists, albeit for shortened intervals of time, even for large values of the gravity-to-bending ratio.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1
JournalJournal of Engineering Mathematics
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2025


  • 35J08
  • 35K35
  • 65M80
  • 76A20
  • Eigenfunction expansion
  • Elastic interface
  • Green’s function
  • Intermediate asymptotics
  • Sixth-order parabolic equation
  • Thin film


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