Social networking for educational purposes: The development of social-cultural skills through special interest groups

Nikleia Eteokleous-Grigoriou, Despo Ktoridou

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


    This chapter examines and evaluates the role, usefulness, and value of social networking as perceived by higher education students. It examines the educational role of social networking by developing Special Interest Groups (SIGs) within a social networking site (Facebook). It also tries to examine the development of socio-cultural skills through the SIGs created within the social networking site. Specifically, this chapter describes and presents an evaluation of the use of three Facebook SIGs by faculty and students of five Universities in Cyprus in three discipline areas: 1) MIS - Management Information Systems; 2) Computer Science; and 3) Engineering. A mixed method approach was employed, collecting quantitative data (through questionnaires) and qualitative data (through focus groups and Facebook SIGs' observations). The results highlight the promising and important role as well as the value of such online groups in both social and academic life. Additionally, the development of socio-cultural skills through the use of Facebook and specifically the SIGs is discussed. Finally, the chapter discusses the "best practice" policies for Facebook integration for educational purposes.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationMobile Computing and Wireless Networks
    Subtitle of host publicationConcepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications
    PublisherIGI Global
    Number of pages24
    ISBN (Electronic)9781466687523
    ISBN (Print)1466687517, 9781466687516
    Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2015


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