Stakeholder Expectations and Perceptions in Implementing CSR Programs in Higher Education Institutions

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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    Even though there is no single generally accepted definition of corporate social responsibility (CSR), it has generally come to mean decision making linked to ethical values, legal compliance, and respect for people, community, and environment. The concept of CSR turned out to be a vital strategy for organizations striving to survive in today’s cruel competitive market environments
    The literature indicates that CSR can play a significant role in the success and failure of an organization, as it can influence and shape forecasting and decisions making. As customers become more complex and unpredictable and competition more intense, adopting a CSR strategy could turn out to be a powerful instrument for survival and success. Effective implementation of the CSR concept can also contribute to achieving the goal outlined at the Lisbon European Council of making the European Union the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world.
    The EFQM framework for CSR can serve as the instrument for the implementation of the CSR concept. It is a framework which provides guidelines on how an organization can identify, improve and integrate the social, economic, and environmental impacts of its operations into policy and strategy, as well as for the day-to-day management of the organization, taking into consideration all stakeholders. Stakeholders form the basis of success or failure of an organization. They can take action which can damage or assist an organization.
    The growing importance of CSR in the business world is clear and evidenced in many studies, but how important is CSR to educational institutions? What are the expectations of a university’s stakeholders with regards to its the CSR practices? Are there expectations met?
    The purpose of this study is to identify and measure the expectations and perceptions of two key stakeholders of a university, namely students and staff, regarding the university’s CSR practices, as a tool for managing quality and gaining and sustaining a competitive advantage through improving stakeholder satisfaction. The study is based on the EFQM Framework for CSR and aims in providing insight on the critical factors that will enable an academic institution to excel in CSR and at the same time have a positive effect on its overall approach to business excellence.
    A questionnaire will be developed based on the EFQM Framework for CSR and a survey will be conducted with students and staff of a university. The purpose will be to assess their expectations for CSR practises by universities, as well as their perceptions of the universities practices.
    The findings of this study will be used for identifying stakeholders’ expectations for CSR initiatives by universities, prioritizing expectations, assessing stakeholder satisfaction with performance and developing strategies for implementation which would lead to gaining and sustaining competitive advantage.. The creation of knowledge, and the sharing and transfer of knowledge is one of the main reasons why studies and research are conducted. As a result the findings of this study are expected to add to the existing knowledge on CSR, the EFQM Framework on CSR, as well as stakeholder satisfaction.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationQuality Conference in the Middle East
    Place of PublicationDubai, UAE
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2011


    • CSR, Quality award models, EFQM Framework for CSR, Stakeholders, Universities.


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